Activists want new Police unit to handle women murders6 October 2017Read MoreUpcoming Activities FGM and DV messages in Kupsabiny will air on Elgon FM 24 Mar 2020 – 29 Aug 2020 Kween CEDOVIP hosts ministers from United Kingdom and Ireland for firsthand experience of SASA IN ACTION!7 July 2017Read MoreCEDOVIP hosts ministers from United Kingdom and Ireland for firsthand experience of SASA IN ACTION!7 July 2017Read MoreCedovip Hosts The International Monetary Fund Managing Director, Madame Christine Lagarde.2 February 2017Read MoreAddress Violence Against Women and Girls Now!11 October 2016Read MoreAddress Violence Against Women and Girls Now!11 October 2016Read More«‹91011121314151617›»