Where is CEDOVIP located?
CEDOVIP is located at 16 Tufnell Drive in Kamwokya, Kampala, Uganda.
Does CEDOVIP take interns?
Yes. CEDOVIP does take a limited number of interns. If you are interested in an internship, please email info@cedovip.org or call +256414531249 to find out about our next openings. Please do not contact us through Facebook to find out information about these opportunities.
Is CEDOVIP on Social Media?
Yes! You can like our page on Facebook (CEDOVIP) and follow us on twitter (@CEDOVIPuganda). Please join our conversations and follow our events.
If I am a victim of violence, who should I contact?
CEDOVIP has a growing list of resources for survivors of gender-based violence. Please see our referral directory https://www.cedovip.org/for-survivors/ for information of who to contact in the case of these incidents. If you are currently experiencing violence, please call the police.
Does CEDOVIP help survivors?
Sometimes. CEDOVIP does basic response which includes listening to cases and providing referrals. For cases that are in dire need and the risk of violence is very high, we provide a very limited amount of resources for such exceptional cases.
Does CEDOVIP take on donations?
Yes! CEDOVIP happily accepts donations of toiletries (especially soaps, lotions, women’s products), women’s clothing, children’s clothing, diapers, and shoes. Please contact info@cedovip.org or call +256 414 531249 for more information.
How can I become involved with CEDOVIP’s work?
You do not have to attend SASA! Trainings to be a SASA! Team Member. Remember, stopping violence against women and girls starts with you personally. You can participate in our activities at the community level. Please feel free to use our resources for activists to help you understand how to live in a violence-free setting, and contribute to a violence-free community. You can follow us on Twitter (@CEDOVIPuganda) or like us on Facebook (CEDOVIP). You can also become involved by joining our social media campaign by liking, commenting or reposting our material. Please email info@cedovip.org or call +256414531249 if you are interested in volunteering in the annual 16 Days of Activism in November.
How common is violence against women and girls?
Worldwide, one in four women will experience violence in her lifetime. The current statistics in Uganda are that 6 in 10 women will experience violence.
Does gender-based violence only affect poor communities?
No. Gender-based violence is a pattern of behavior where one partner exerts power and control over another. Anyone can experience violence, regardless of their socioeconomic status, their education level, or their dependence on their partner. CEDOVIP has worked with victims from all levels of income, all regions, all education levels.
Does domestic violence only happen when someone flies out of control?
No. Intimate partner violence is a pattern of behavior where one partner exerts power and control over another. The myth that violence only happens when someone loses control feeds into the cycle of violence that victims get stuck in. The violence cycle involves tension building, a violent outbreak and a honeymoon phase. The honeymoon phase takes place after a violent outbreak and includes the perpetrator issuing apologies, expressing regret, etc. while the power and control patterns continue. In other words, calling these acts of violence an accident or a momentary loss of control manipulates the victim into believing that the perpetrator’s actions have changed when this is not the case.
Is domestic violence caused by drugs and alcohol?
No. Violence is caused by the person who chooses to use it. Drugs and alcohol may make the problem worse, but power differences between partners cause domestic violence. Intimate partner violence is a pattern of behavior where one partner exerts power and control over another, with or without the use of drugs or alcohol.
Is domestic violence only physical?
No. There are 4 types of violence: physical, emotional, sexual and economical.
Physical violence is violence that you can see as bodily injuries or physically feel. Examples can include hitting, cutting, burning, pulling hair, pushing, etc.
Emotional violence is any action that harms your mental or emotional health. Examples may include abandonment (unexpectedly leaving a person with no resources or help), cheating, intimidation, controlling behavior, jealousy, humiliation, lying, threatening, name-calling, manipulating, isolating a person.
Sexual violence is an action that violates a person’s body with a sexual purpose. Examples include rape/defilement, unwanted touching, leering (look or gaze in an unpleasant, malicious, or sexual way), unwanted display of sex organs, unfaithfulness.
Economical violence is control over another person’s economic resources. Examples include abandonment, taking a partner’s money, refusing to provide for basic needs, prohibiting partner from paid employment, selling family property/assets and using the money for your own selfish interests, strictly limiting the money a partner uses.
Is it okay for a neighbor or a friend to call the police when they know someone who is experiencing violence?
Yes. Concerned neighbors and friends have a mandate to call the police. The government has the primary responsibility to save and protect lives as defined in the Constitution and the laws such as the Domestic Violence Act.
Is there an alternative for victims of intimate partner violence and sexual violence who do not want to call the police?
Yes. While CEDOVIP encourages victims to call the police, we also recognize that some survivors seek alternatives. CEDOVIP has a list of resources for survivors. These are located under “Resources,” for Survivors.
Are both parties responsible in domestic violence situations?
No. Only the person who uses violence is responsible. Using violence is a choice that each person has the capacity to make.
Don’t women abuse men just as often as men abuse women?
No. While men may certainly be exposed to violence as a result of their socially determined gender roles and norms, the violence they experience—or even perpetrate against other men—rarely, if ever, contributes to or confirms the overall subjugation of men as an entire subgroup of people: within the prevailing global context of patriarchy, men are the power brokers in terms of gender, and women are the subsidiaries
If women are treated as equal to men in a relationship, won’t it cause more domestic violence?
No. Equality in relationships promotes harmony and respect. Domestic violence is very prevalent in relationships where one partner dominates over the other or feels superior to the other. The Constitution of Uganda clarifies that all men and women must be treated as equal in all spheres of life. If both men and women are treated equally, they will have a happier and healthier relationships.
If women have an income generating job or a job that produces higher income than their husbands, aren’t they more likely to disrespect their husbands?
No. Women’s income is crucial to the social and economic well-being of a family. It is not a privilege or a favor to allow women to work; it is their right as defined in the Constitution of Uganda. Everyone has a right to work. When women work, they can be able to contribute to the upkeep of the children and wellbeing of the entire home, community and the country .
Do women take the issue of equal rights with men as an excuse to disrespect men and create an opportunity to misbehave?
No. Some men and women have misunderstood the issues of equal rights. It means that women and men have equal value, worth, opportunities, fairness and justice before and under the law as clearly stated in the Constitution. All rights come with responsibilities. Women demanding their rights are not disrespecting anyone; they are demanding their rights as a human being. Women are full human beings; what is good for men is also good for women. There is nothing wrong with demanding for the right to safety, equal opportunities in life, fair and equal treatment in both private and public spheres!
When a woman reports her husband, doesn’t it cause embarrassment to a man and a woman? It is better to endure the violence than to face embarrassment from the community.
Wrong. Reporting violence is a way of seeking a solution to a problem. It is important that people who use violence take responsibility for their behaviors. Keeping quiet when injustice is being done to someone means that we are accepting abuse and a crime to happen with impunity. The Domestic Violence Act 2010 mandates that the occurrence of domestic violence should be reported to people of authority who should quickly take action to keep the victim safe. This way domestic violence will be checked and prevented. If you or someone you know is experiencing violence, please call the police or see our referral list.
Haven’t women grown stubborn from the increased governmental attention?
Nope. All human beings– whether men, women or children– have equal human rights. The government has a role of providing equal protection and opportunities to all its citizens whether they are men, women or children. Government is only creating policies and taking up the responsibilities that reflect these natural entitlements and international principles. The government is doing this for socio-economic development which will eradicate HIV, poverty and create safety for everyone, which is necessary in developed societies. The government has committed itself to international development goals.
Will the Domestic Violence Act 2010 break up families?
No. Violence breaks up families. It threatens the family structure. Relationships break up due to the abuses that happen and when one party or both parties feel that there is nothing more meaningful in that relationship. If a relationship turns into a source of stress, pain and suffering then people break up. It is the role of the police officers to protect all those who have been abused within the domestic setting. Uganda needed a law that ensures the safety of each member of a family. The Domestic Violence Act was created to protect those who are abused and to ensure safety and harmony at home for every Ugandan as defined in the Constitution.
Do women actually mean yes when they say no to sex? They never seem to be sure of what they want.
No. If a woman or a girl says no to sex, it means no. We must respect that “NO” to uphold her dignity. People who perpetuate this type of stereotype are the ones who are committing violence against women and girls. Note that forms of sexual violence have brought extreme suffering to women, girls and their families. This is why these crimes are prohibited in the Penal Code Act and it is the role of police officers to enforce the law by apprehending those who have sexually assaulted anyone. Real men respect a woman’s right to say no.
Can a man rape his own wife?
Yes. Rape is any sexual intercourse that occurs without consent. Some husbands do rape their wives when they have sex without their wives’ consent. Women have the right to make decisions about their own bodies and their sexuality, and a right to mutual satisfaction in sex. It is the role of the police to apprehend those who rape others whether they are partners or family to the victim.
Are women to blame for rape, especially when they dress provocatively?
No. The only person to blame for rape is the rapist. Someone can be raped even if they are dressed in the most decent manner because rape is about control and power. It is a decision by the rapist, which is why the rapists threaten the victim with further harm. Rape is clearly defined as a crime in the Penal Code, regardless of how the victim was dressed or where she was. Rape is a capital offence and prohibited by Ugandan laws. The role of the police is to ensure that the victim is protected and the suspect apprehended. Men have a responsibility not to rape women. They have complete control over their bodies. Real men do not rape women under any circumstances.
Are rapists usually mentally ill?
Not usually. Research shows that most of the perpetrators of rape are normal which is why they try hard to conceal the act. In fact, perpetrators are often people that the victim knows, not strangers or mentally ill people. Rapists are usually men who want to dominate or control a woman’s body. The police officers have a role to apprehend the suspects, not to make excuses for them.
Can women with strong morals get raped?
Yes. The myth that only women with loose morals get raped perpetuates silence about rape. Rape only tells us something about the morals of the perpetrator, not the survivor. All women (married, “decent”, etc) are vulnerable to rape. Forcing someone to have sex is a violation of their rights and is against our morals as people, and it is a crime according to the laws of Uganda.
Can men be victims of rape, too?
Yes. Any form of sex that is coerced or forced without the other person’s consent is considered rape. Men are especially at risk of rape by other men, especially in conflict areas, detention centers, prisons and even schools. Victims of rape– whether men or women– should be attended to by police officers with all due respect as defined in the law.